Lunedì 21/10_P/MG
-Back squat-
3 round every 3′
6 rep al 75%
3 round
21/15 cal. ass bike
20m lunges DB in ohs (5x4m)
21/15 cal ass. bike
20 hang db snatch alt.
(m 25kg / w 17,5kg)
cap. time 15′
Martedi 22/10
-Hypethrophic strenght-
3 round
1 leg less rope climb + 1 regular rope climb
6 military press from ground 70%PR
5/7 strict pull-up
10 DB floor press glute bridge RPE 7
rest 120″
every 6′ x 3 round
20 V-up
12 stoh 40/25K
10 ttb
12/9 cal row.
rest of 6′ is rest
(score is the worst time)
Mercoledi 23/10
-Snatch cycling-
rest 60″ every rep
2 squat snatch (2″ pausa abobe and below knee)
3 squat snatch (2 pausa above knee)
5 squat snatch no pausa
(work 75%)
3′ rest
1 squat snatch (2″ rest above and below knee)
2 squat snatch (2″ rest above knee)
3 sqaut snatch no pausa
work 77%
Kett cycling
6 round
60″ on – 90″ rest
3 kb swing
2 kb clean
1 kb squat
(add 1 rep every round / start every new intervall from 3 2 1)
score total rep
Giovedi 24/10
-Front squat-
Every 3′ x 3 round
3 rep (85%)
-Clean and jerk cycling-
rest 30″ every rep
2 squat c&j (2″ pausa abobe and below knee)
3 squat c&j (2 pausa above knee)
5 squat c&j no pausa
(work 75%)
42 double under
12 ctb
9 box jump
Venerdi 24/10
Every 4′ x 3 round
6 rep (75%)
-Gymnastic endurance-
3 round
15 push up
30″ rest
max kipping hspu unbroken
rest 2′
3 round for time
9 wall walk
15 barpee facing barbell
21 snatch (35/20Kg)